CARLIER Lucas is a french Graphic and Type designer.
He first graduated with a licence of Visual Studies before studying Graphic Design for 5 years.
He got graduated from Paris, Toulouse and from the prestigious Academy of Fine art of Krakow in Poland with experience in various countries such as Germany and Italy.
He first graduated with a licence of Visual Studies before studying Graphic Design for 5 years.
He got graduated from Paris, Toulouse and from the prestigious Academy of Fine art of Krakow in Poland with experience in various countries such as Germany and Italy.
He is known for his innovative approach to typography and poster design, blending traditional techniques with modern digital tools and recognized for his unique approach to graphic identity and brand design.
Since 2024, he is also the creator of the collaborative magazine "Entrée Libre" which promotes various artists from diverse creative fields within a single publication, all to provide a rich and dynamic vision of the contemporary artistic landscape.
Publication :
• Entrée Libre, Issue 0 - "Intuition", April 2024.
• Anti-design mag, March 2023.